Our Team


John Racine


ohn Racine is a multifamily real estate investor and capital strategist dedicated to creating high-yield opportunities for investors. As the founder of CJR Capital Ventures, he focuses on identifying and executing value-driven multifamily acquisitions, leveraging deep market expertise and strategic partnerships. His experience includes working with Hillpointe, a leading vertically integrated real estate development and property management firm known for institutional-grade multifamily projects. This background has equipped John with the skills to navigate complex deals, optimize asset performance, and structure investments that generate strong, sustainable returns.

John’s approach to real estate investment is shaped by years of hands-on experience, having acquired and managed rental properties in the past while learning from some of the industry’s top experts, including Rod Khleif and Dave Lindahl. He also collaborates with multifamily attorney Charles Dobens to ensure his acquisitions are structured for long-term success. Through CJR Capital Ventures, John brings together expertise, market intelligence, and a proven investment framework to help partners capitalize on the wealth-building potential of multifamily real estate.

Chad Francks


Chad has had a lifelong love of real estate, so much so, he became a Florida Mortgage Banker and has personally funded over $5MM in real estate loans.

We look forward to welcoming you to our investor community.

CJR Capital Ventures, LLC

A rеаl еѕtаtе invеѕtment аnd рrореrtу mаnаgеmеnt соmраnу with a fосuѕ оn multifаmilу properties.


5415 Lake Howell Road , Winter Park Florida 32792


(407) 288-8290

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